Thursday, 29 April 2010

Day 22: Still in the jungle

After all the fun and games of the transfer two days ago, we're now dealing with JP getting what looks to be food poisoning. All night the poor thing was up and down, although he seems to be recovering today. I'm beginning to wonder if this backpacking malarkey is always this much fun for everyone or if we're particularly "blessed". Seems to me to be a conspiracy or else we're not praying to the right deity so are being visited by various plagues/disasters. We'll be off to the local pagoda soon at this rate to offer some jasmine flowers and a few incense sticks to buddha.

Apart from the tummy bug, there is not much to report - another day of quiet here on the river. We're enjoying the peace and quiet, and catching up on six months worth of DVD's. So far, in addition to the Pink Panther film of yesterday, we've now also made it through "It's Complicated" (I liked it, JP fell asleep), "Love Happens" (I liked it, JP grudgingly liked it too) and have many more to watch.

After all the fun and games of the transfer two days ago,As well as watching films, we've been watching the doctor fish eat our feet, or indeed any bit of us that is in the water. They are little leopard print decorated fish which eat dead matter, so if you have dead skin on your feet, they will happily munch it. This photo is of JP dangling his feet off the dock by the dining tent, waiting for the fish to take a bite. The feet in the next photo are mine and you can just about see the fish swimming around them.

Depending on the fish, it can be a slight tickle or a sharp pin prick sensation. They're popular over here apparently, and can be found kept in big jars at certain places as a spa treatment where people can put their feet in to have them cleaned up. Not sure about jars full of them, but they are entertaining in the river.


  1. can you bring me some of those lovely fishy things back for my skanky feet please!!!???

  2. Don't think they'll travel well :)
